Welcome Reader

It took me a long time to realize that the only way I will ever reach my height is to never know how high I can go.  Invisible shackles oppress us, I search for the peace in contentment to liberate me.  And although they say that the best things in life are free, even freedom has a cost.

The posts on this blog are a reflection of my price…an extension of my journey.  Each word, line, stanza, story, and revelation is worth a different amount. And while experience has taught me a lot along the way, my debt isn’t paid.  I have a lot more living, loving, and learning to do.  You, just like me, have your own pilgrimage to make and your own price to pay. Let the works and words within this portfolio therefore act as therapy. They mean exactly what you need them to.  With that being said, I pray that my words speak to you, and more importantly, evoke thought.

So, if you have already arrived at your destination, your debt is paid, and you are foot loose and fancy free – congratulations and enjoy.  But if you haven’t, good luck.  Here’s a care package for your travels. 

~LaRonda Moore~

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