Monthly Mantra – August 2017

pink-lotus-with-blue-sky-bonita-hensleyMy best me will learn to put myself first because you can’t champion someone else’s life when yours is in shambles.
Remember, if the plane is going down, you have to secure your oxygen mask first before you can attempt to help others.  This is because in order to help others, you have to be able to breathe (at the very least).  Thus putting yourself first isn’t selfish, it’s smart.

I know we often dive head first into the various, daily crisis that our love one’s experience.  It’s easy to do.  Trust me, I know.  But at the end of the day, there are only 24 hours in a day.  How many of those hours do you spend doing someone else’s bidding?  Be stingy with your time.  Invest in yourself and most of all take care of yourself!

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